Coaching Services

Mind Ready is committed to providing accessible, convenient, customized, and affordable solutions towards holistic living and wellness. You can connect with Mind Ready to start your journey towards empowerment and taking control of your life in various ways.

Some of challenges that Mind Ready’s coaches are trained to help you with include:

  • Stress Management, worry, decision-making, anxiety, burnout, work-life balance.

  • Productivity, time-management, procrastination, perfectionism, focus, leadership mindset.

  • Emotional management, finding purpose, acceptance, personal growth

  • Social anxiety, validation seeking, body image, confidence.

Individual Coaching

Valuing yourself enough to invest in 1-on-1 coaching is the best gift you can give yourself. It is a promise you make to yourself to do your best to achieve your full potential.

  • Mind Ready coaches do not believe in ‘quick fixes’. Coaching is not voodoo, magic, or deception.
  • Our coaches work towards creating long-lasting and permanent change. Consider this – if you have lived with some beliefs for decades would you believe someone who guarantees it will go away with the wave of a magic wand? Lasting change comes with time and effort put in the right direction!
  • In your weekly 1-on-1 coaching sessions with your coach (online or face-to-face), you meet with the first mate as captain of your ship.
  • Our certified coaches provide support, motivation, a non-judgmental space, active listening, and intuitive questioning that helps you discover your next steps.
  • Mind Ready believes in exploration that takes you to the next step in your journey. Our sessions are based on the ICF (International Coach Federation) recommended format that ensures you discover something new in each session and always leave with a set of action points for you to take the next steps.

A personal coach can help you identify blind spots, unconscious beliefs, and unhelpful thoughts that are keeping you away from your goal. They help you create a personalized step-by-step journey towards being unlimited and expansive!

Mind Ready will match you with a coach best suited to your needs based on an initial intake form that must be filled in at least 24 hours before the first call.

Self-Coaching Frameworks

Our perfect solutions lie within us, even if we do not know that as yet. Any advice given by others (experts, professional, masters, gurus…) is based on their own unique journey. They may have achieved great heights in their lives but their journey has been theirs. Your path is yours to explore.

Who is the one person that knows you best? Someone who knows your deepest, darkest thoughts and someone who knows ‘exactly’ what you think and feel? You, right? And that is why you are the one person who know the answers to your problems.

However, sometimes it becomes tough to see these answers clearly amidst the emotional turmoil, the deep-seated beliefs, the conflicting values, and the external noise. 

The Self-Coaching Tools created by Mind Ready experts are designed specifically to help you address specific issues that you may not be able to do on your own. Each tool has been designed to help you introspect and challenge limiting beliefs, explore your mind safely, and arrive at your own answers.

We only ask one thing of you to make it a success for you – use these tools with honesty and follow the instructions with faith! Do your bit and you will see answers emerge!

Email Coaching

If you are restricted due to time constraints and budget and yet want to explore how coaching can help you shine, email coaching is a great option. 

It allows you to communicate and respond in a flexible environment if you have a busy schedule. 

It is also a great option of you prefer to think through concepts, tools, and questions that your coach may share with you. 

If any of these apply to you and you are also more comfortable writing/typing than speaking, email coaching is for you.

Some of the areas (and more) that people choose to use email coaching for include:

  • Exploring thoughts and emotions
  • Overcoming a bad phase in relationships 
  • Getting rid of limiting beliefs
  • Building self-confidence/Overcoming fears
  • Finding an accountability partner

The email coaching service includes

  • Intake forms that help you define your challenge
  • Full discovery 30-minute LIVE coaching over chat (Whatsapp/Skype)
  • 2 email exchanges per week (allow for 24 hours for response); Total email exchanges – 8
  • Two 30-minute LIVE coaching over chat per month

Email us to start your email coaching today!

Group Coaching

Group coaching is an effective coaching technique that helps in overcoming certain types of challenges. It can benefit you as you gain shared wisdom and experiences, understand that you are not alone, foster social bonds that keep you accountable, and acquire varied perspectives.

In addition to being more effective in certain areas, Group Coaching is also more affordable than 1-on-1 coaching.

Mind Ready schedules group coaching for different challenges from time to time.

These include:

  • Pinning Down Perfectionism
  • Tame your Time – Time Management
  • Decisive Deadly Decisions – Decision Making
  • Fantastic U – Validation Seeking/People Pleasing/Body image
  • Prioritizing Life Balance – Work Life Management
  • Learning to Love You – Confidence

Sign-up here if you want to receive information when we are planning new cohorts for Group Coaching.

Corporate Employee Wellness

The abilities and potential of our workforce is what drives communities, nations, and the world ahead. At Mind Ready, we are passionate about creating empowered stakeholders, leaders, and employees. We know the difference each individual can make to the company and the community once they discover their own ‘queendom’

Mind Ready offers empowerment coaching for all your employees at every level.

Mind Ready Empowered Employees
This program helps junior employees find their own voice in organizations harnessing the power of decision making, information, and personal skills.

Mind Ready Looming Leaders
This program aids your emerging leaders and Hi-potentials understand the role of inside-out leadership with better emotional management and awareness.

Mind Ready C-Suite Coaching
This program allowed your senior management to lead with confidence, better emotional management, and motivation as they learn to be more aware.

Your journey towards balance, joy, and purpose can begin today! Book a free intro session to see how you can work with us and how we can help you! Retain the Book a session button!